General - Nigeria Property Centre


Technology and the internet in particular have revolutionized the way we do things it s a digital world we live in and there are software applications for just about anything lately i scanned and emailed a tranche of my personal documents right from ...

table of contents there seem to be some misunderstanding as to what precisely a self contained apartment and a mini flat is the purpose of this essay is to clarify the ambiguity surrounding the aforementioned notions a self contained apartment or r...

A bit of psychology and good negotiating skill is a sine qua non for getting a good deal not just from a real estate agent but in every endeavour in life it is normal for a business person to want to sell his product at the best price possible this sho...

In my article making the process of buying property in nigeria less cumbersome i posited that by virtue of the land use act of 1978 all lands in the respective states of nigeria belongs to the state government in the light of this it is the pr...

prevention they say is better than cure in the light of this this essay is an attempt to tack together some salient and not so salient points to note and where possible to avoid while shopping for a real estate it takes an old hand to swiftly dec...

click image to enlarge executive summary the objective of this report is to provide the conceptual designs for the roads and utilities and primary infrastructure for the lekki peninsula based on the updated landuse master plan which was presented and ...

Here s a quick side by side comparison of the features nigeria property centre offers property seekers in nigeria against those offered by google trader housing features advanced property search by location category type price and no ...

Here s a quick side by side comparison of the features nigeria property centre offers property seekers in nigeria against those offered by nairaland properties features advanced property search by location category type price and no o...

As a foreigner living in nigeria or a potential buyer wishing to build a new house you will often find things are not done quite the way you are used to and buying land is no exception the first hurdle is understanding the system of land measurements in ...

Whether you live together with other people under one roof or live together as a resident in an estate all sorts of things happen good and bad while we always hope for the best it makes sense to try and predict the worst in advance re think it before...

It s like the real estate agents mantra location location location you ve certainly heard the phrase enough and may wonder what possesses agents to say it three times or you might think it pertains to three different types of locations perha...