Residential land for sale
Oxford Heights Estate, Asaba, Delta
Discover the ultimate in luxury and convenience with our latest estate development oxford heights estate phase 1 asaba. it is one of the most sort-after estate and most luxurious pieace of real estate investment in 2024. this estate is located right in isah ogwashi-ukwu directly facing benin-asaba expressway, just 5 minutes drive to asaba international airport.
this beautiful esate is sharing neighbourhood with some notable landmarks like iselle azagba junction, federal housing project, enuani mega city and asaba international airport. oxford heights estate phase 1 titled registered survey, deed of assignment, c of o inview. it's totally free from any government encumbrance.
plot size and price
actual price: 10,000,000
early bird price: 9,000,000
initial deposit: 5,000,000
early bird price: 20,000,000
initial deposit: 5,000,000
all inclusive of documentation of deeds and survey.
call/whatsapp now for enquiries to schedule your site to...
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₦9,000,000 per plot
Kemchuta Homes Limited