Filling station for sale
Maitama District, Abuja
Filling station along the airport road abuja. for sale:
it comprises of the following features: * land size: 2800 square meters...
* title : amac * status: c.of.o and certificate of regularization with the agis *
economic advantage: functioning uptimally and easy accessibility * number of pumps: 8 pumps for petrol and two other pumps for kerosene and diesel= 10 pumps *underground tank capacity: 1. pms 3 - 130,750 2. ago 1 - 35,000 3. dpk 1 - 35,000 4. 2000kg of lube oil/grease * a functional borehole * three phase nepa supply * fenced and interlocked *
location÷ it situates on a corner piece and on the right hand side of the road, if you are coming from the abuja airport
*other features: it has a bungalow which houses, the following: a lube-bay, 2 super market halls, and 3 office rooms
selling price: #1 2billion asking price (slightly negotiab...
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