Factory for sale
By Ilupeju, Mushin, Lagos
For sale
for sale.massive factory wearhouse on two floors.location mushin by ilupeju around matori, lagos nigeria.price.six million five hundred thousand dollars
location details.close ports airport. 14minutes away
sea port. 30minutes away
accessibility.multiple entrance to the factory road.condition.well maintained and paved road size.2way road, with easy access for trucks and traders
property description.
site ,main building,gate houses, generator shed, inside parking lot
1site7,689square meters, excellent condition, well maintained, fairly rectangular shape , well fenced with a height up to2.5meters, 2nos of double leaf vehicular cum pedestrian metal
2gate at the frontal parts.
main building12,978square meter on two floo...
More details
approx. ₦10,106,586,399
Temitope Global Team Services