The estate is located in guzape main. we have 4 prototype building in the estate.
270sqm going for 60m
550sqm going for 110m
400sqm going for 85m
1500sqm going for 280m
for more details and inspection contact 08064345...
They estate is located just opposite dunamis church. is 350sqm for 4 bedroom fully detached duplex going for 15000000. for more details and inspection contact mr frank on 08064345...
The estate is located in karu by bristol academy close tonia first gate and efcc training center.
we have 4 building prototype in the estate.
for more details and inspection contact 08064345...
A verified agent has provided additional evidence of their identity to Nigeria Property Centre. Verification increases the overall security of the Nigeria Property Centre website because most property seekers prefer to do business with Verified agents.
How we Verify agents
To Verify an agent, we request the following document from the agent:
Incorporation Certificate
Any one of the following:
Utility bill with the address on your account on Nigeria Property Centre (not more than 3 months old). Example: Power or water bill
Most recent tax clearance
Why we Verify agents
Verification helps increase trust and safety in our community. Property seekers can feel more confident doing business with Verified agents, who are more likely to be legitimate and trustworthy.
To become Verified, an agent on Nigeria Property Centre must provide us with their incorporation certificate and a utility bill, office premises letting contract or most recent tax clearance. Because these institutions are required to screen people, Nigeria Property Centre's verification process increases security when dealing with parties you do not know. Please note that Nigeria Property Centre's verification system does not constitute an endorsement of an agent, nor a guarantee of the agents's business practices. You should always consider other indicators when evaluating agents.
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